

Marine 4-way cassette type fan coil unit

Products > Marine used fan coil unit > Marine 4-way cassette type fan coil unit

Marine 4-way cassette type fan coil unit

AC motor, 304 stainless steel water drain pan (50mm deep), double discharge water pump design; inlet and outlet pipe diameter ZG3 / 4 ", standard equipped with wire controller

Air volume range: 1360m3/h~2380m3/h

Cooling capacity range: 7200W~14400W

 Product Introduction

1 Marine fan coil to meet the marine environment and marine characteristics

2 204 stainless steel water pan, anti-corrosion. The depth of the water pan shall be 50mm, and the depth of the water pan shall be increased to prevent the condensate leakage caused by the turbulence on the ship.

3 Double discharge water pump design ensures reliable drainage of condensate

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