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Ultra thin vertical type fan coil unit

Ultra thin design the width of the body is only 130mm

Air volume range: 200m3/h~600m3/h

Cooling capacity range: 1000W~3600W

2 pipe system unit, Thermostat build-in, BLDC motor is optional

Universal type fan coil unit

Universal design, the unit can be installed by vertical or horizontal

Air volume range: 340m3/h~ 2380m3/h

Cooling capacity range: 1800W ~ 12600W

4-pipe system is optional

High wall mounted type fan coil unit

Air volume range: 340m3/~ 1360m3/h

Cooling capacity range: 2100W~7200W

remote controller is standard

Ceiling floor type fan coil unit

Classical elegant design, This product can be installed by ceiling mounted, floor standing or wall mounted

Air volume range: 510m3/h~2380m3/h

Cooling capacity range: 2700W~12600W

4-pipe system is optional

1-way cassette type fan coil unit

1-way air flowing, which is easy to be installed in the side of ceiling

Air volume range: 340m3/h~850m3/h
Cooling capacity range: 1800m3/h~ 4500m3/h

M style 4 way cassette type fan coil unit

4-way air flowing, which can uniform temperature distribution in the room

Air volume range: 380m3/h~2720m3/h

Cooling capacity range: 2000W~15000W

remote controller is standard, 4-pipe system is optional.

Surround air flow type fan coil unit (G style)

Surround air flowing, fashion design, distinctive

Air volume range: 340m3/h~2720m3/h

Cooling capacity range: 1800W~14400W

remote controller is standard, can choose 4-pipe system and BLDC motor is optional
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